+7 (423) 223-00-00 ext. 3904

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from 09:00 to 18:00

Radiology Center


The medical staff of the Radiology Center combines the wisdom of experienced physicians, commitment to improvement, and ambitiousness of young professionals. Nursing staff is presented by experienced, qualified, and friendly employees.


Philips Achieva 3.0T MRI Scanner. The only in the region ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging scanner with field strength of 3.0 Tesla. The highest accuracy is achieved and the time of the study is reduced due to the state-of-the-art equipment.

The Mulidetector CT scanner allows to study broad areas in a short time. The scanner is equipped with the cutting-edge software that allows to diagnose the various areas of the human body, including the study of the vascular system, with high-accuracy.

Digital images produced by the Duo Diagnost X-ray system allow to obtain high resolution images of excellent quality, without film development.

The results of the MRI, CT, and X-ray studies are available both in hardcopy (film) and digital format. The results of studies of patients are stored in digital format on the secure server, so the results can be copied to digital media for long time.